Monday, August 30, 2010


No originality.
No reason to be around you.
I don't want to hang out with a more annoying version of me.

Grow the fuck up and get an identity.
One of the reasons those drug free commercials are so annoying is the fact that you don't lose individuality JUST by smoking pot.
Look at you.
You're straight edge and you're more of a sheep than half the people I know.
You baa with the herd.
You move with the herd.
You see a bandwagon and you immediately think -
"HEY; I'm gonna jump on that."

You don't realize how many people actually hate you.
You don't realize how much of a piece of shit you are.
Everything you've been since 8th grade has been a copy of someone else.
I'd say you're like the pokemon Ditto, but when Ditto isn't copying something it has a form.
Unlike you...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Easy now, girls."

I'm no misogynist..
But sometimes. I do hate women.
Not for being a woman, no, no.
But, for being "a woman."

Woman are at their core's are; extremely selfish, materialistic creatures.
I have both a Girlfriend, and a sixteen year old, younger sister.
They PMS at the same time.
My girlfriend; gets emotional beyond justification, clingy, needy, and stressed.
Whereas my sister goes into full assault, asshole, "lets bitch about everything", mode.
It's not the easiest thing to deal with.
Now, I am typically a selfless person.
But recently it seems that I'm running out of whatever energy kept me patient.
I find myself hating my sister on a regular basis.
I do always love my girlfriend, but she frustrates the shit out of me.

I think the simplest lesson anyone, Man or Woman can learn about... Women.
Is that..

Fratbox 360

What a day today is..
I realized today one thing I hate more than anything..
Even worse.
Fratboys in the making.
I'm talking about the twelve year old twats that are way "into BMX" and "Pwn on Moderwarfare2bro"

I hate it.
You can almost guarantee that they have a shitty shirtless/shirt lifted myspace or facebook display.
They all have unwarranted self importance and egos that they simply cannot see past.
They're one of the many, many, many plagues to today's culture.
They're mindless drones.
Almost worse than hipsters.